Gps Parcela mobile app

GPS navigation to your land parcel
App Features:
Identification of land parcels, cadastral parcels.
Display your land parcels on a map on your smartphone.
View the distance between the smartphone and the land parcel.
View your current smartphone location on the map.
Read the current GPS coordinates.
Improved accuracy of the current GPS coordinates reading.
Create a land parcel by entering the coordinates.
Update the entered coordinates.
Download the cadastral parcel coordinates from our web server
Transformation from reference coordinates to Gps (WGS84) coordinates
Calculation of land plot area and boundary line lengths.
Save the land parcel files in your local smartphone storage.
Language support for English, German, Italian, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, French.
Support for the coordinate systems and geoportals in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Europe.
List of visible satellites
Support for GNSS and L1+L5
Record your current location data (coordinates, speed, time) while you walk or drive. The data is saved in a daily route file.
Display the route on a map.
Internet of Things (IoT) solutions

VANIS delivers VisualCall app which is used for the Smart City applications of Internet of Things (IoT) such as water and waste water management. Internet of Things is a network of internet-connected devices that are able to collect and exchange data using sensors and controllers, so VisualCall is used to monitor and/or control the IoT devices from a remote location. VisualCall can be also used as a software part of the IoT controllers.
Key Features: Advanced communication, Client/Server Architecture, Object-oriented graphics, Real-time and historical trending, Alarm handling, using sounds, e-mail, SMS, text and symbols, Flexible reporting.